How does it work?
When you place an order it takes two weeks to get you into the system, then you will receive fresh goodness delivered every week, all in re-usable containers.
You can email the farm directly or order through our website.
Of course! Send us an email and we will drop off some goodies.
We only offer our products to the commercial sector, restaurants, bakeries etc. But we do plan on launching a residential program soon.
If you are stuck and need something, please reach out and we will do our best to help.
Being located in the community we serve we can harvest and deliver the same day. No trucks or planes in our supply chain!
Please just rinse your containers. We will collect everything when we drop off your next delivery.
We harvest early morning Tuesday, so we can deliver the same afternoon.
We presently deliver to businesses across the Twin Cities.
Delivery is free!
The microgreens are grown in an indoor farm in South Minneapolis.
At the present time we are not doing farm tours.
We use a combination of hydroponics and vertical farming in a controlled environment allowing us to sustainably grow all year round.
We never use any herbicides or pesticides in our farm.
We are presently working to get our Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) accreditation, which is based on the standards of the National Organic Program, meaning we don't use any pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms.
While our soil-free system is squeaky-clean and we have hygiene protocols for every stage of our process, you can rinse gently before use if desired.
Always keep them refrigerated and their container closed to stop them from drying out.
Absolutely! The container should be air-tight.